Are Alabama’s Rural Motorists Aren’t Using Seat Belts?

uber accident boston 300x200 Are Alabama’s Rural Motorists Aren’t Using Seat Belts?
Rural motorists are three to ten times more likely to die in car crashes than urban motorists because they don’t use safety belts.

Mobile, AL- Some drivers are adamant about using a safety belt and wouldn’t think about driving anywhere without buckling up. Regrettably, not all motorists are using their seat belts and are putting themselves in grave danger. A recent study shows that motorists in rural areas are less likely to wear seat belts than urban passengers and drivers.

Study Says Rural Drivers Aren’t Buckling Up

In a recent study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found drivers in rural areas are three to ten times more likely to die in road accidents. While a variety of reasons contribute crash rates, the CDC says failure to use safety restraints is the primary cause of deadly rural crashes.

The CDC found that in fatal crash rate in urban areas in the South is 6.8 deaths per 100,000 motorists. That significantly lowers the rural crash rate of 29.2 deaths per 100,000 motorists. Over sixty percent of drivers in fatal rural crashes were not properly restrained as opposed to just 44.3 percent of urban motorists.

There Are Many Reasons to Wear a Seat Belt

There is an extensive list of reasons to wear a seatbelt, here are a few:

You have more than a 50 percent chance of being in a fatal or injurious accident at least once in your lifetime.

Most traffic crashes occur within 40 miles of the victim’s home.

Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for resident’s aged 1-34, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health.

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Ninety percent of motorists in Alabama wear their belts.

For adults, seat belts reduce the risk of suffering fatal injuries by 45 percent.

Car seats and restraints reduce the risk of death in children by 54 percent and 74 percent for infants.

90 percent of Alabama motorists wear a seat belt which is higher than the national average of 86 percent, the CDC reports.

It’s the Law

Under Alabama law, all front seat occupants are required to wear a seatbelt. Violators must pay a $25 fine.

Are Accident Victims Penalized for Not Wearing a Seat Belt?

Safety-wise it’s always smart to wear your seat belt, but there is also a legal reason to buckle up. If you file an injury claim, you could get a smaller settlement if you weren’t restrained. Even if someone else is at fault for your crash, the defendant can argue that your lack of safety restraints made your injuries worse. That can result in a 10 to 20 percent cut in your accident settlement.

Accident Victims Need Legal Representation

You need legal representation if a negligent driver injures you. An accident attorney in Alabama will help you overcome any hurdles preventing you from getting the settlement you deserve for your injuries. has a committed team of personal injury lawyers in Alabama to work on your case and ensure you get the best possible settlement.

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An accident lawyer in Mobile is essential if you or someone you love has been injured in a car crash.

Are Alabama’s Rural Motorists Aren’t Using Seat Belts?


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