Gruesome Spill Causes Multiple Crashes on Dallas Highway

construction 1319002 1280 300x199 Gruesome Spill Causes Multiple Crashes on Dallas Highway
Approximately 500 people were killed by road debris between 2011 and 2014, according to AAA.

Dallas, TX- Debris, spills or obstructions in the roadway can create hazards for motorists, sometimes causing deadly or injurious crashes. Recently, a gruesome road spill on Stemmons Freeway set off a series of minor crashes and resulted in a Hazmat cleanup that closed the Northbound lanes for hours.

Police say that around 2 a.m. on Tuesday, September 19, a truck with gruesome cargo somehow lost its load, spilling animal parts, entrails, and grease over multiples lanes, according to CBS Dallas-Fort Worth. The driver fled after spilling the gore.

The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office said the road became slick and caused a couple of minor crashes. Fox 4 reports that two cars slid in the gory mess, and slammed into a concrete median. A tractor-trailer came upon the scene and jackknife. A second tractor came upon the scene and also jackknifed.

CBS reports that one person suffered minor injuries. If the spill had happened later in the day, the outcome could have been worse.

Hazmat was called to do cleanup which took several hours, snarling rush hour traffic.

Officers said the truck driver might not even realize it spilled its contents.

Crashes Caused by Road Debris are More Common than You Think

In July, a truck carrying eels crashed, spilling thousands of slime eels on the roadway. Other such crashed involve beer, milk, vodka and much, much more.

The eel story grabbed national attention because of the gross factor. Such stories may seem amusing, but there is a real danger associated with debris on the roadway. While the spill in Dallas was relatively minor, traffic accidents caused by spills and road debris can have lethal consequences.

In a 2016 study, the American Automobile Association found that road debris accidents are more common than we realize. According to the study, between 2011 and 2014, there were 200,000 traffic collisions caused by road debris. Those crashes resulted in approximately 500 fatalities and 39,000 injuries.

Other Facts About Road Debris Accidents

37 percent of deaths involving road debris is caused by a driver swerving to avoid an obstruction.

More than one in three crashed happen during business hours

Two-thirds are caused either by unsecured loads or mechanical failure.

Other common causes include:

Detached trailers

Blown tires

Unsecured mattresses and other furniture

Call an Accident Lawyer in Dallas

Truck drivers and motorists have a responsibility to ensure whatever it is they are hauling, whether it is animal parts, furniture or yard debris. They need to do the following:

Make certain they secure anything they are hauling

Keep from overloading their trailer or vehicle

Be sure their vehicle has had necessary repairs

Cover items in open trailers with a tarp or netting

lawyers 1000803 1280 300x200 Gruesome Spill Causes Multiple Crashes on Dallas Highway can help you locate a skilled accident lawyer in Dallas to get you maximum compensation.

Not taking the steps is negligent, and a person can be held accountable if they cause an accident. Let connect you with an accident lawyer in Dallas. You need someone who is well-versed in Texas personal injury laws working on your claim, so you recover the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Sometimes the person responsible for spills or road debris cannot be located, leaving victims with only one option to recover compensation. They must file a claim with their insurer, but getting the right amount of compensation can be tricky.

Don’t put off getting help, call an accident lawyer near your Dallas location today. Your first consultation is free and confidential.

Gruesome Spill Causes Multiple Crashes on Dallas Highway


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